Page:Poems - volume 1 - EBBrowning (1844).pdf/268

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"Why, what right have you, made fair by that same God—the sweetest woman
Of all women He has fashioned—with your lovely spirit-face,
Which would seem too near to vanish, if its smile were not so human,—
And your voice of holy sweetness, turning common words to grace:

"What right can you have, God's other works, to scorn, despise,. . . revile them
In the gross, as mere men, broadly—not as noble men, forsooth,—
But as Parias of the outer world, forbidden to assoil them,
In the hope of living—dying,—near that sweetness of your mouth?

"Have you any answer, Madam? If my spirit were less earthy—
If its instrument were gifted with more vibrant silver strings—