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Then ask ye not spells! for 'tis given ye ever
To cast a bright light where a shadow hath been,
In the care-burdened soul of some sorrowing mortal,
That joy's hidden form may within it be seen.
Oh! the kind word hath pow'r to link spirits unto ye,
The firm trust hath magic to win for ye love;
And there needeth no fairy-guard kept o'er your household—
'Tis watched by an eye that is sleepless, above!
R. A.

The homeward bound! what anxious hope
Within each bosom sleeps,
While the gallant ship, 'mid storm and sun,
  Her way still proudly keeps.
O, for the first long-pray'd for sight
Of the chalky cliffs, that tell
To the wand'rer's heart with wild delight,
Where the absent lov'd ones dwell.