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No! not alone a lady fair
Has loitered in the dell,
To gather blossoms for her hair,
Of the graceful heather bell.
And he who lingers by her side,
To mark each smile and sigh,
Will call that gentle lady bride,
Ere the autumn passes by.
They have culled the bells so fresh and sweet,
When oh! long looked-for chance!
The flowers so fair and blooming meet
The lady's laughing glance.
And she takes them from their home beneath
The leaves and dew-drops bright,
To lend their beauty to the wreath
Which binds her hair that night.
And the flowers! the flowers, oh! what said they,
To leave their shady bower,
And the quiet glen, to speed away
To the halls of wealth and power?
They shook their slender stems with glee,
And they waved their heads with pride,
When they thought that they should ever be
By that lovely lady's side.
And yet a sad and fond regret
Came o'er them at the last,
For the home they could not quite forget,
And the bright and happy past.