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Turn! and the pity here ye shew
May win ye blessings, which shall cling
Around your memory on that day,
Far above every earthly thing.

Scorn not the poor! The heart you crush
Can feel, as yours, a blighting word;
And it may be, his prayer, before
Your own, for pardon, shall be heard!

Oh! ye should glory that your gold
Can lighten some lone hearts of pain;
When many, that the world deems blest,
Are yearning for such peace in vain.

Have pity, then! Be yours the hand
To turn destruction from its prey.
One mite from out your store can make
How many tears to pass away.

Oh! answer ye the prayer that bursts
In anguish from the stricken heart,
And triumph that it is for man,
To say to misery, "Depart!"

And in the poor man's prayer, for you
A blessing shall ascend on high,
To soothe your chequered path on earth,
And win for you eternity.
R. A.