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Let the earth in its pride rejoice,
  And scoff at the ocean's bed;
Yet ours is a mighty voice,
  That thrilleth each heart with dread.
Ha! ha! we are free on the trackless sea;
Merry, yet proud, our reign shall be;
And still is our song, as we bound along,
All hail to the mighty waves!
H. A.

O'er me steals a vision bright:
Star of Eve! I gaze on thee;
While beneath thy silver light
Faintly smiles the summer sea.
Mem'ry comes with gentle spell,
Sweetly in my heart to dwell,
Bringing back, with magic chain,
All I love to me again.

Friends afar on thee may gaze
Yearningly, as I do now,
Calling up departed days,
Haply with a saddened brow.