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Let it melt the iced current of sympathy there,
And the sere things of Earth make ye look on as fair!
Let it aid you, by binding to yours the cold heart,
To make, by your sunshine, its dark clouds depart;
Let it lead you, while basking in bliss of your own,
To feel 'tis not bliss, if you hold it alone.
Oh! thus 'tis to mark Summer pass with a smile;
Tho' each season changed with regretting, erewhile;
'Tis thus to view calmly Time's step speed along,
And listen in peace to bright Summer's last song;
You have gathered her gifts, and have scattered again
Where'er Summer's gifts have been yearned for in vain,
And the blessing upon you is but that bright sun
Which, like Summer-warmth, cheers him whose duty is done.
R. A.