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But the joyous soul, the open heart,
The thoughts with guile that had no part,
      Where were they now?

How changed that man so proudly cold,
From the gallant youth of bearing bold
      In days of yore!
Did ever pass that time long gone,
When he looked the withered tree upon,
      His memory o'er?

Aye! and his brain with anguish burned,
And from the busy world he turned
      In bitter scorn;
When he would silently recall
The heart so prompt to feel for all,
      He then had borne.

Years still rolled on, when one bright day,
Ere Autumn hues had pass'd away
      For winter snow;
When e'en the withered tree looked bright,
Beneath the rich and streaming light
      Of the sunset's glow;

There stood beside its leafless bough
An aged man, with furrowed brow
      And silv'ry hair.