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And my treasures laugh to scorn
All that's fair the earth can shew;
For a thousand storms have borne
Countless riches down below.

Give place, ye earth-born kings,
To my firm and lasting sway;
For your crowns are fading things,
And your sceptres pass away:

But the golden sun has shone
Many ages o'er my head;
And still I reign alone,
In my ocean kingdom dread.

Youth and beauty, strength and pride,
Palsied age, and childhood sleep,
Cold and silent, side by side,
In my hidden caverns deep.

The rushing ocean foam
Has sighed their passing knell;
For the secrets of my home
Mortal lips may never tell.

Then quail, ye things of earth,
When I send my tempest forth!
And tremble in your mirth,
When ye hear my stormy wrath!