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My gentle child, my gleesome one, thy father's joy and pride,
Come rest thy bright and glowing form these aged limbs beside:
I'm pining for thy silv'ry laugh; I want thy joyous tone,
For the softness of its melody can soothe this heart alone.
Come nearer, sweet one! touch me; lay thine hand upon my brow:
I've missed thy bounding step all day; oh! do not leave me now.
Nay, nay, I did not mean to chide: full well, mine own, I know
That thy light footsteps long to glide the sunny vales below;
I must not keep thee ever near, though lonely seems the day,
And mournfully the hours pass by, to me, when thou'rt away;
For these sightless orbs can never greet the forms so lov'd before,
And the joyous things of earth may meet their stricken glance no more.