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Come, let us stray afar
Beside the gushing stream:
Soft shines the first bright star,
Like hope in love's sweet dream.
The mellow light is fading
From the waving woods away,
And the rustling boughs are shading
The lone paths where we stray.

The golden hues of even,
Whose rich refulgence cast
Such glory o'er the heaven,
How swiftly are they past!
Oh, may our happy feelings
Be never shaded o'er;
But we may find revealings
Of our fates upon the shore.

The varied earth, stars, skies,
Our destinies can tell:
The secret in a flower lies,
Could we but read it well.
Who would try the magic art,
When e'en the bud that blows
Speaks of the lonely breaking heart,—
The summer's last sweet rose.