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What think you of when pensively above,
And brightly, shines the moon and ev'ning star
That is the hour when we have wander'd, love;
Soft sounds were round us, echoes sighed afar.

What think you of when tempests wildly roar,
And far the light'ning hashes o'er the sea,
And loudly break the billows on the shore,—
Ah! do you give a sigh or thought to me?

What think you of? upon the world above,
Where sin and sorrow will be felt no more,
But where the law that governs all is love,
And bliss awaits we never knew before?

What think you of? the world is then forgot,
And feelings which have slept awake again;
Yet though we sigh,—for sorrow is our lot,—
The feelings of those moments are not pain?

Or are those hours when your spirit soars,
Above this scene of trouble and of care?
With silent rapture that great power adores
Which made all things so beautiful and fair?

What think you of? each passion is at rest,
And o'er our souls a blissful peace will steal.
As light reflecting on the streamlet's breast,
So is that peace which shows us all we feel.