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the church of the gesù.
From fretted roof to pictured wall
The votive jewels sparkling hung,
While golden bars of sunshine flung
Through burnished casements arched and tall,
Athwart the jasper pillars broad,
In slanting columns, radiant glowed.

But dark with purple pageantries,
The solemn nave and massive aisle,
Crowded with kneeling votaries,
Even in that flood of light were dim,
Save where around a new-raised pile,
Shadowed by wings of cherubim,
The softened daylight met the glare
Of fervent lamps, whose fiery ring
Circled some dark mysterious thing
Exalt, in shrinèd silence there.

I drew within, and now could trace,
Pale 'mid the splendour, a still face,
A faded brow, a sunken cheek,
Sad eyes, which yet no tears could shed,
Sad lips, from which no sighs could break,
Two upraised hands, 'tween which was laid