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to hope.
"Why are we fatherless, if fatherland
Is still denied?" And that his heartstrings quake
With sobs of mothers' hearts that hopeless break?
Strange that his purpose, that did seem so fair,
With a white blaze of light around her head,
Which fell like orient beams on nations' brows,
Should wane before his terror-stricken eyes?
And that in direst agony of soul
His noble nature tott'ring on her base,
Should question if his deeds were rightful deeds?
Stirred up by God's own living breath, or pushed
By hot ambition's ravenous desire?
And if the aim that drew were but a dream
By which his visionary youth was mocked,
As travellers in the desert by the shine
Of fair false waters?—At that torturing thought
Smells of cold graves struck damp upon his brow,
Till his wild eyes grew void, and limp his limbs,
And he had dropped resistless in the jaws
Of madness or of death!