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When the sleigh-bells softly jingle underneath the silver moon,
And our voices sweetly mingle in the current of the tune;
Then I'll tell her that I love her, and I'll claim her for my own,
While the stars shine bright above her, and the snow's with diamonds sown.
While the stars shine bright above her, and the snow's with diamonds sown.
Then I'll tell her that I love her, and I'll claim her for my own.

The rain call of the robin falls on my list'ning ear,
Par over field and forest resounding sweet and clear,
A joyful promise bringing to the meadows parched and sere.

With earliest dawn awaking and calling swift and soon,
Through all the sultry morning and the drowsy afternoon,
And now at falling twilight, he is singing to the moon.

Sweet over brooding forest and o'er the listening plain,
Sweet over shaded pathway, and o'er the waving grain.
Sweet to the heart of the weary comes the robin's call for rain.