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He marches by with air so grand,
Followed by wife so true,
While all the neighbors stand, and gaze,
And whisper, "There's for you!"
But "brother B.," a man of sense,
Cares not for scoffs or frowns;
He marches on, with head up straight,
Nor thinks of those who'd tread him down.

Next "brother R.," a large-souled man,
With purse and house all ready
To welcome the rich, and grand, and proud,
As well as the poor and needy:
Within our church, so small and neat,
His laughing face is always seen;
He rarely or never stays at home;
He's ripening for heaven, I ween.

Our little church, that used to be
The scenes of quiet life,
Has older grown, and now has scenes
Of discontent and strife.