Page:Poems By Chauncy Hare Townshend.djvu/307

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SONS KTS. 297 IlL TO PE?CE;- W?XXLS rapt I lie near this lone waterfall, Gazing upon it, 'till, at every gush, The waters seem with wilder force to rush, And whiter foam, adown their rocky wall, While o'er me, high in air, yon cedars tall Wave their wide arms; come, gentlest Peace! and hush Each thought, at which thy virgin cheek might blush, And, if thou can'st, thy empire Post recal Within my breast. Ah, wherefore should'st thou fly ? I do not love the world's turinoiling sphere; Ambition never hurl'd me from on high, 1% dreams of wealth excite my hope or fear: Then why to'me thy soothing voice deny? Ah, wherefore vainly do I woo thee here ? ......... ?Google