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Perchance our prayer is voiceless, we may not even pray,
But simply wait for guidance, and lean upon our Stay;
The "still small voice" then whispers to hearts in right attune,
And, with the gentle Saviour, they are in sweet commune.

And when the door must open to let the world come in,
And lifted be the burden of all its strife and din,
The sacrament of silence has richest blessing brought,
In newborn strength and patience will every deed be wrought.

Not only on this joyous day
But all my life with thee,
I'd forward press to Emmaus,
Thy hidden meanings see.

Not only rise with thee to-day,
Resolved to conquer sin
But hourly fight the deadly foes
That ever wage within.

Not only now, but ever, Lord,
The Bread of Life is mine,
And breaking it, I see the Christ
As Risen Lord divine.