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A Christ who suffers with each Christian soul,
Who bids us all press onward to the goal;
Who welcomes Magdalene, nor ever spurns
The vilest sinner who repentant turns.

The hands and feet once marred by cruel nail
He still doth show when darkest doubts assail;
He turns to look when Peters still deny,
And sorrows when He meets a traitor's eye.

A living Christ who still Himself doth give;
By faith in whom we each of us may live;
To whom "Rabboni" some, adoring, cry,
Whilst others shout the cruel "Crucify!"

They keep step to the same music.
Edmund H. Sears

A thought to keep us faithful, to make us brave and strong,
That to a countless army we each of us belong;
The clarion is calling o'er all the land and sea,
Whilst, keeping step, we're marching—before us victory.

A thought to give us patience, to make us joyous too,
Those witnesses around us, intent on all we do;
With martial music falling upon each willing ear,
They, keeping step, are marching, with us who struggle here.