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A song of praise will brighten days
That else were sad and drear;
The minor chord its joy can still,
And other souls 'twill cheer;
For weary pilgrims, sore oppressed,
  Its glad refrain may sing,
"Emmanuel, Emmanuel,
  Our King, our King!"

Bear ye one another's burdens.—Gal. vi. 2

A cheery tone, a smile, a handclasp close—
What little ways to give another cheer!
Yet, were it not for such dear things as these,
How dark this world would be, each day how drear!

It is not what one does, but what one tries to do, that makes the soul strong and fit for a noble career.
E. P. Tenney

As clay within the potter's hand
Is fashionèd at his command,
So, if to God our wills we yield,
And trust His purpose unrevealed,
Unconscious we in stature grow,
Through golden days, in times of woe;
'Tis not alone by deeds we do,
Our souls become both strong and true;
The striving e'er to perfect be,
Doth fit us for eternity.