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a little blue frock.

Long years have passed away since he
    Was laid to rest,
And one by one have babies three
    Lain on my breast;
And eyes of brown, and blue, and grey
    In turn have smiled,
But still fond memory will stray
    To my lost child.

Through all these years I yet can see
    His sweet eyes shine,
And his fingers as they used to be—
    Clinging to mine;
And his dimpled arm in its sleeve of blue
    I see once more,
Its fairness enhanced by the delicate hue
    Of the dress he wore.

And from neath the dress peep wee toes sweet,
    And I beguile
Myself with watching two little feet
    Walk "baby's mile."
Only on mother's lap they trod—
    Those tiny feet,
They were only meant for the Kingdom of God
    And the golden street.

Ah! my first great sorrow came to me
    When baby died—
When they took the little form off my knee,
    And I laid aside
The little blue frock my hands had wrought
    With so much joy,
But death a fairer garment brought
    For my angel boy.