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sir james ramsden.

Sir James Ramsden.
Great son of Progress! Barrow's old Pioneer—
Chief leader in the van of Enterprise—
Whose never tiring zeal and fertile brain
Evolved so many projects, good and wise.
Thy earthly race is run, thy sun gone down,
Not set in darkness, but in bright renown.

Not all who sow are privileged to reap
The fruit of all that they themselves have sown,
But thou hast seen the harvest of thy toil—
The little hamlet to a fine town grown.
A lasting monument to thee it stands,
More eloquent than sculptured work of hands.

Thou hast not seen to full fruition brought
The bright ambitious hopes of earlier years;
But thou didst look ahead, not with the eye
Of ordinary mortals, but with a seer's—
And saw within Time's womb what great things lay,
And knew that they would have their birth some day.

Since history "repeats itself," may be
Another like to thee one day may rise,
And with indomitable will like thine
Accomplish thy unfinished purposes.
Barrow shall yet rise high on Fortune's tide,
And all thy fondest hopes be verified.