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what lies beyond?

Dinna forget, when thy heart is sore
With memories of thy wrongs,
That God doth make the righteous clear.
Heed not the lying tongues;
And dinna forget, when thy passions rise,
Vengeance to heaven belongs.

Dinna forget, when thy soul is down
In the black depths of despair,
That thou canst rise from the dark abyss
On the golden wings of prayer;
Dinna forget that the weakest cry
Reaches the Father's ear.

Dinna forget, when there's danger near,
That ever by night and day
Ministering angels of light, unseen,
Are hovering round thy way,
Ready to help in the hour of need,
So dinna forget to pray.

What Lies Beyond?
What lies beyond?—beyond the confines of this earthly sphere,
Beyond the silence of those outer gates which men call Death, and fear.
O, there are wondrous sights and sounds, could mortals see and hear.