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the year of jubilee.

The year that has just passed away,
All classes will agree,
Has been a most momentous one
In English history.

Our good Queen's Diamond Jubilee—
God bless her! all will say—
On June the twenty-second, was
The great red letter day.

Then one and all, both old and young,
Of rich and poor degree,
Were one in heart and mind, to show
Their love and loyalty.

Old London saw a pageant then,
A grander ne'er's been seen,
Nobilities from every clime
Paid homage to our Queen.

One common bond united all,
One toast on sea and shore,
The great Victoria's honoured name
Revered the wide world o'er.

In darkest contrast, India stood
A death's head at our feast;
Famine and plague, twin horrors, they,
Were raging in the East.

And war, and rumoured wars, e'en then
Were knocking at our door;
We heard above our songs of joy
The cannon's distant roar.