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christmas is coming.

O ye,all ye whose generous hearts
Have throbbed with loving sympathies,
Whose kindly hands have been held out
To aid one of the least of these,
No matter what your dole has been—
The widow's mite, the rich man's gold—
If given ungrudging for Christ's sake,
He will repay a hundredfold.

Christmas is Coming.
Christmas is coming! the little ones cry
With their eager eyes abeaming,
That wonderful hour is drawing nigh
When, while they are sweetly dreaming,
The good all fairy of "Make Believe"
Will visit their cots on Christmas Eve.

Christmas is coming! the school boys shout,
Their caps in the air up-flinging,
As they leap and jump and caper about;
For Christmastide is bringing
The holidays, home, and fun once more,
And there'll be feasts of joy in store.