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the new year.

The New Year.

Another milestone reached to-day
By you and I:
Dear, as we older grow, how fast
The precious moments fly!
It seems but yesterday I sent
Fond greeting unto thee;
And, lo! another year has passed
Into eternity.

Oft—in the years agone—hast thou
My lagging footsteps spurred,
And, with a kindly word or smile,
My fainting spirit cheered;
And tho' we clasp not hands to-day,
As we were wont to do,
I know your thoughts will fly to me
As mine have flown to you.

We've said "Farewell" to the old year,
And "Welcome" to the new;
And now, with added zeal, let's each
Our different paths pursue:
For each must start afresh to-day
Another mile to tread,
Not knowing what lies in our path,
What trouble looms ahead.