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Awake! awake! Dame Nature cries,
  Awake and greet the Spring.
A myriad dainty blossoms rise,
And open wide their starry eyes;
  A myriad songbirds sing
   In wood and glade
   A serenade,
  To welcome lovely Spring.

Clad in her daisy 'broidered gown,
  And crowned with daffodils,
She trips across the meadows brown,
Chasing from Nature's face the frown,
  As joyously she trills
   Her merry lay,
   Which floats away,
  Like music, to the hills.

She kisses Winter, bluff old King,
  Or ever he can go.
He bows his hoary head to Spring,
Saying, "You are a winsome thing,"
  Then strews her path with snow—
   An offering meet
   For her pure feet,
  Which makes her sweet face glow