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friends across the sea.

Friends Across the Sea.

O friends! O friends across the sea,
That surging barrier of blue,
Which parts so many loving hearts,
And fills so many cups with rue.
The world is wide, the ocean deep,
But thought is like the wild wind, free,
And wings its flight by day and night
To you, O friends across the sea!

O friends! dear friends across the sea,
Sojourners in far distant lands,
Our fond hearts yearn unceasingly
To see your faces, clasp your hands;
Dear faces last seen through our tears,
Dear hands we wrung in parting pain,
The weary months have run to years,
And still we watch and wait in vain.

O friends! O friends across the sea,
Whom duty still compels to roam,
Though hearts are hungering maybe
For the wife and the bairns at home;
We cannot cross the deep to you,
But for your welfare we can pray,
While fancy fondly paints the joy
Of your return some future day.