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grandma's golden wedding.

If we had read aright the wistful pleading
In the dear eyes which often sought our own,
And understood what the sad soul was needing,
What kindness we had shown.

The faltering steps we would have gladly guided —
How could we let them stumble on alone?—
And, oh! how tenderly their weakness chided,
If we had only known.

But since regrets are useless, let us learn
The lesson sorrow teaches us to-day,
That for the dead there can be no return,
So help and bless the living while we may.

Grandma's Golden Wedding.
'Tis the old folks golden wedding day.
Fancy! fifty years ago to-day
Since grandmamma, a blushing bride,
Went forth to stand at grandpa's side
To vow through all her future life
To be his faithful loving wife.
Then, in all their youthful pride,
They stood together side by side: