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three homes.

Then, surely in the long eternal years,
Knowing the griefs and sorrows thou hast known,
God will permit thee, in the heav'nly spheres,
The joy of a reunion with thine own.

Heaven bless and keep you till we meet "Beyond;"
Heaven give you freedom from all pain and care;
And when at last death snaps the golden bond,
May angel hands cement it "over there."

Three Homes.
A dear little home by the murmuring sea,
Where all my fondest hopes cling lovingly;
A little spot away from all the strife
And din which constitute a city life.
My barque has found an anchorage at last,
And now methinks life's storms are o'er and past.
O little home! besides my much loved sea,
Long, long, may I be spared to dwell in thee!

Home, dear home, in the golden West,
How often I banish thy memory, lest
Thoughts of thy loved ones too oft should come
To mar the peace of my sea-girt home.