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the armenian horrors.


The Ship of State is lying near a perilous sea,
And has no easy course to steer; but landsmen see
Only the smooth, bright waters of the bay,
And in their ignorance presume to say
The way is clear; but little do they know
How near the dangerous under-currents flow.
They see no further than the present hour;
Know naught of adverse winds, and clouds which lower;
But well the gallant captain in command
Knows it requires wise head, strong nerve and hand
To steer the vessel, for his practised eye
Reads coming trouble in the lowering sky.
He holds the chart which shows the rocks around,
And knows that treacherous shoals and banks abound,
And wisely waiteth for a favouring gale
Ere he weighs anchor and unfurls his sail,
Deeming it far the wiser policy
To lose a tide than lose his ship at sea.
Rash haste—too oft the father of delay—
Heeds not the obstacles that bar the way,
Till some fell chance occurs, and then—too late—
Wishes he had been less precipitate.
Let us not rashly, in our over-zeal.
Imperil England and her children's weal;
Dear England! who is yet so brave and true,
Whose gallant sons still yearn to dare and do.
But many blame her, for they cannot see
The internal workings of her policy.
And this I somehow feel—a higher Power
Keeps her subservient in this trying hour;
For God has seen and heard, and His Divine
Voice crieth: "Stand thou still! Vengeance is Mine."