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sir charles w. cayzer, m.p.

We waft our prayers and wishes to
Our countrymen, where'er they be,
Our soldiers under burning skies,
Our sailors scattered o'er the sea,—
For heart meets heart at Christmastide,
Though leagues of land and sea divide.

But the sorrows of the suffering poor,
The burden of the people's wrongs,
Oppress our hearts this Christmastide,
Shadowing joy, and saddening songs.
O, Prince of Peace! with us abide,
And bless for each their Christmastide.

Sir Charles W. Cayzer, M.P.
Of all the honours which our Gracious Queen
Has deemed it her good pleasure to confer,
In honour of her Diamond Jubilee,
Upon the worthiest of the worthy ones,
No favour she's bestowed upon her sons
Has given to friends a greater joy, I ween,
Than that thy constituents feel, good sir,
At the bestowal of knighthood on thee.

Long live Sir Charles! Long live his lady too!
The honours of her genial lord to share;
And long may Barrow to her knight be true,
And ever loyally elect to wear
His chosen colours—red, and blue, and white.
Long live Sir Charles! Long live our worthy knight.