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royal bridal ode.

Cheers give place to murmured prayers,
For hearts to their very depths are stirred;
Smiling faces are seen through tears,
And blessings on every hand are heard.
Shine, O sun, more brightly now,
Haste, little sunbeams, kiss the bride,
Lovingly touch the bridegroom's brow,
Radiant now with love and pride.
Sound the trumpets, while cannons roar,
Flash the glad tidings o'er land and seas,
Unto Australia's distant shore,
And away to the far Antipodes.

Ring, sweet joy bells, everywhere,
Ring out and say the deed is done.
And Princess May, the good, the fair,
Is wed to England's noble son:
Son of the most illustrious line
This world of ours has ever seen;
Will ever name as brightly shine
As India's Empress, England's Queen?
And thou, fair bride, of Royal race,
Famed for honour and renown,
Who so fit as thee to grace
England's future Throne and Crown?
Ring, O merry wedding bells,
And send the tidings far and wide,
In cities, towns, and village dells:
"God bless the bridegroom and the bride!"