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If all the precious time that's spent
In idle gossiping was given
To cultivating charity,
Earth would be more like heaven.

If only people would think twice
Before they launch their poisoned darts,
There would not be so many wounds
Now rankling in sore hearts.

If only folk would be quite sure
That what they hear is really true,
Before they help to spread a tale,
There would be less to rue.

How much of sorrow, shame, and pain,
Of bitterness and cruel wrong,
Would ne'er have been, if some had kept
A bridle on their tongue.

But sad to say, the cark and care
Of life is aggravated by
The silly tongues that aye will wag
From want of thought—maliciously.

Ah! if these gossips would but think
How soon this life of ours must cease,
They would not seek to stir up strife,
They'd sow the seeds of peace.