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a lullaby, etc.

A Lullaby.
   Sleep, baby, sleep;
Dream fairies are calling,
Over your drowsy blue eyes
The white lids are falling:
   Sleep, baby, sleep.

   Sleep, baby, sleep;
And nothing shall harm thee:
Mother and angels will watch
While dream fairies charm thee
   Sleep, baby, sleep.

   Sleep, baby, sleep;
Ah! now you are smiling,
Dream fairies sing sweet,
Their songs are beguiling:
   Sleep, baby, sleep.

A New Year's Wish.
Dear, if all my prayers for thee
Were answered, this New Year should be
  The brightest and the best;
Thy cup with joy should overflow,
Health's rose upon thy cheek should glow,
  Success crown every quest;
Friends should bless, and sweet hope cheer,
And love make glad the live-long year.


May joy be thine this New Year's morn
Thy future paths without a thorn;
The coming days without a sorrow,
And each day bring a glad to-morrow.