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There are doubts and fears contending, which hourly me assail;
There are thoughts so strange, so fearful, they make my spirit quail;
And the Tempter ever ready to fling some fiery dart—
Till I almost yield the conflict, so weary is my heart
With striving, ever striving, 'twixt evil and 'twixt good;
O save me, precious Jesus! by Thine atoning blood.

There are dear ones to resign, if I follow in the train,
Voices to whose music I must never list again;
There are pleasures to renounce, sweet joys to be denied,
If I would follow truly after Jesus Crucified.
O by Thy great compassion, Lord, Thy loving kindness show—
And teach me how to let earth's frail and fleeting treasures go.

Be Thou my guide and helper, my comforter, my stay,
And in the hours of darkness, Lord, be near to cheer my way:
Be Thou my light —then shall I walk secure, from danger free;
Be Thou my righteousness—then shall I lose myself in Thee.
O doubting, fearing heart; where is thy Faith?
Fear not, but come to me! thy Saviour saith.