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my guardian angel.

My Guardian Angel.
When Satan seeks with his beguiling ways
To tempt my soul from the path of grace—
A sweet face rises before my sight,
And the tempter quickly takes his flight
      When he sees my Guardian Angel.

When weary of struggling I'm ready to leave
The rock, to which I still tremblingly cleave,
That dear face rises in mild rebuke,
And I shrink abashed at the sorrowful look
      On thy face, my Guardian Angel.

When all around me is dark and cold,
And I seem so far away from the fold,
When the path is rough, and the way is long,
And I'm tempted to leave the right for wrong—
      I'm checked by my Guardian Angel.

When the world seems naught but a dreary place,—
A weary, forsaken wilderness,—
I'm cheered by the thought as I onward rove
There is always one to cheer and to love,
      'Tis thou, my Guardian Angel.

The future is dark, but thy spirit will be
A light and a comfort ever to me,
Helping me onward, lighting the road
That leads to the City of our God:
      The home of my Guardian Angel.