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polly and i.

And soon I was lost in the darkness of night,
And Polly called, "Annie," but all in vain;
No voice replied to her frequent cry,
I never answered her again.

But when she reached a shining shore,
She found me waiting for her there;
My voyage was the soonest o'er,
And I stood ready to welcome her.

And many others whom Polly loves too,
But whom she'll see on earth no more,
Were stood with me on the shining strand,
All safe upon the heavenly shore.

I was so glad when she told me this,
For it seemed to me a dream from heaven
Sent to Polly; but unto me
Power to interpret it was given:

The sea was our life, and for a time,
As we are now, we shall keep together;
In the morning of life, while all is calm,
We shall sail side by side in sunny weather;

But times may change, separation come,
The course of our lives contrary flow;
Polly or I may change our home,
And not of each other's whereabouts know;

But a day will come when we'll meet again,
And talk about the happy past,
Then we shall each resume our way,
Drifting apart from each other at last;