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the birth of a prince.

By the memory of past days,
    Thou wilt know,
Our sympathies are thine always,
    In weal or woe.
For by that bond of sympathy—
    A bond divine—
Our hearts are bound eternally
    To thee and thine.
From Queen to peasant all rejoice
    With feeling rare;
May heaven itself smile on the choice
    Of England's heir.

The Birth of a Prince.
He has come! the joy bells ring gaily on the summer air;
He has come! our future king, son of Albert Edward's heir.
He has come! our fond lips sing, Welcome! welcome! baby fair!
          First-born of the royal pair.

He has come! the roses say—folding close each tiny bud—
He has come to crown sweet May, with the crown of motherhood.
He has come! O happy day! birds are singing in the wood—
          He has come, our gift of God!