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a word to the boys.

Thus, we've spent our first in waxing—
As country people say;
Our second one in steadying
Our steps, from day to day;
But now our third year's coming,
'Tis time to let folks see
That we are not a sickly shrub,
But a healthy, growing tree.

So rally round your leader,
"Iris," who leads the way;
Find fresh recruits to join our force,
And work while it is day;
Then, when the hour of action comes,
Each loyal one will be
Proud when the Herald's voice proclaims
Aloud "Our Victory!"

A Word to the Boys.
Pray listen a moment, my brave little lad,
If your standard you'd pass, your teachers make glad,
Attend to your books, don't be thinking of play,
Persevere with your tasks, and you'll win the day.

    Chorus:—Time flies! Time flies!
        Use your ears and your eyes,
        "Early to bed and early rise."