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how willie made it snow.

How Willie Made it Snow.
Wee Willie watched with great delight
The falling of the snow,
And he never grew weary of the sight
Of the beautiful feathery flakes of white
Fluttering to and fro.

But a thaw at night changed all the scene,
And when Willie awoke next day
There was not a bit of snow to be seen,
And he said, as he looked where it had been.
"God might have let it stay."

And day by day he watched again
For the snow to re-appear;
But my bonnie laddie looked in vain,
The beautiful snow came not again,
For Spring herself was here.

One night, as usual, he went to bed
(He never has a light),
And as I kissed the golden head,
The darling clung to me and said,
"Do rue sink it will snow to-night?"

I laughed, as I tucked in the little thing
(The nights were cold and chill),
And told him how Summer would follow Spring,
And the flowers would bloom and the birdies sing,
And I left him lying still.