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the soul's quest.

But I pressed on, and heedless of their voices
Struggled along the rugged road.
Albeit the lamp of Faith was nigh extinguished,
So little light it showed.

Onward and upward through the gloomy night—
Through the thick black night of despair,
Went my weary feet, while I groped for light,
Shod with sandals of Care.

And through the dark valley of Unbelief,
And Doubt's 'wildering maze I crept;
And ever my soul in its lonely grief
Bitterly wailed and wept.

Never a gleam of light in the darkness,
Never a whisper of Hope; but still,
"Faint, but pursuing," I found in weakness
Strength, and climbed up the hill.

Then did my way grow clearer and clearer,
As I mounted from height to height,
And hands, unseen hands, drew me up nearer
And nearer to the Light.

Then when my little strength was well nigh spent
Sweet voices hailed me from above;
And to my weary fainting spirit lent
The pinions of a dove.