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'Twas Sabbath eve; the hour of prayer was nigh,
When lo! from out the dark and sullen sky
Forked lightings sudden flashed,
The thunder rolled and crashed;
Then came the dreaded squall,
And rain began to fall.
Shivering, I closed the door—
Ugh! how the rain did pour—
And sought the fire's warm glow.
How wild without! "Why go?"
Said self, "The preacher will not come."
But I heard a small voice say,
"Why should you stay away?
Though the servant may not appear,
Will not the Master be there?"

I went; and even as I thought,
The hour of prayer no preacher brought;
But, from the band of fishermen,
One rose, who with a reverent mien—
Betraying no self-consciousness—
Told the story of the Cross.
His story told: another took his place,
Another with an earnest sun-bronzed face,
And he, in turn, in simple language strove
To tell the story of Redeeming Love.