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legend of the border knight.
Avenge him, Jasper, with thy latest breath."
It shall be mother," the brave Jasper cried.
"Now leave me," the lady, weeping replied,
"Leave me in grief, to spend this day and night,
And to commune with a far Higher Might."
The sad Sir Jasper sought the vaulted hall,
And on his youthful page did loudly call,
"Oh! Edgar, bring forth my own gallant bay,
To the maiden oak I must speed away;
For they say that Kenna's guardian sprite
To the proud Leslies doth always speak right.
Only a word from her;—and then to me
The cold dark future would revealed be.
And though so great the risk at foemen's hand,
Bravely I'll trust to my good helm and brand."
Sir Jasper mounts his proud and ardent bay,
And quickly speeds on his dangerous way—
Alike, unmatched, they were both indeed,
The young gallant knight and the noble steed.
His azure mantle streamed far behind,
Borne gracefully on the sweet summer wind,
And around his bright helmet's snow white crest,
A wreath of golden oak leaves find a rest.
On his left arm, the ever friendly shield
An oak tree vert upon argent field.
As thus onward they sped o'er vale and fell