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legend of the border knight.
And to Jasper's eager eyes disclose
An altar whose fires to the roof arose;
While in the writhing flames so clear and bright
Strange mystic scenes burst on Sir Jasper's sight.
Alas! he saw his proud ancestral towers
Wreath'd by ebon cloud that o'er it lowers;
When it burst, towers, barbican and keep,
Seemed to crumble at his very feet,
And in 1ts place, a mass of ruined walls,—
A shattered window marked its ancient halls,
O'er grown with many a tall and graceful tree
And ivy growing in massive clusters free.
"Behold thy castle's fate," the sybil cries,
And a strange weird light, there dances in her eyes.
She paused, and at her muttered spell
Unclosed a portal, and around did'st swell
The sound of wild sweet music that ne'er earth
To such sweet perfect harmony did e'er give birth.
And ere the mystic portal shut again
There issued forth a long weird elfin train,—
As they slowly advanced, sweetly they sang
Their sweet chorus till all the chamber rang.—

  "Oh! hail sir knight, for thou shalt find,
   The fairest maid on English shore;—