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legend of the border knight.
The end of which alas! was life for life.
And then at length they reach'd an open glade,
Surrounded by the forests' deepest shade.
They halted then, with long lances in rest,
Charged, and flew the white plume from Jasper's crest,
In splintered fragments before them lay
Each shatter'd lance, as an emblem of the day.
With stout curtal axe, and good steel blade,
They long fought amid the' deep forest shade.
At length in crossing o'er the lonely dell
Sir Lionel's horse suddenly trip'd and fell.
As a well aim'd blow at Jasper's feet did lay
The wearied and exhausted Lionel Gray,
Sir Jasper paus'd, for now their bitter strife
Might close for ever with a rival's life.
He lay unarmed, his trusted brand
Was now strcken from his proud foeman's hand.
"Rise" said Sir Jasper, "rise Sir Lionel Gray,
For none I ween, shall ever dare to say,
That Jasper Leslie's arm, a single blow
Hath ever dealt to prone and fallen foe!"
But an hour passed, and once more alone
Jasper did thro' the ancient forest roam,
When in the centre of a lonely glade
Rose to his sight the guardian spirit's shade,