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legend of the border knight.
Showed how he might have filled a higher state
Than that accorded by an adverse fate.
Thus on they sped, o'er hill and valley green,
Till 'neath the forest waving trees is seen
The distant form of proud Lionel Gray,
All heedless of the now impending fray;
And like some mountain torrent from the steep,
Thro' the long glade doth, Jasper wildly sweep;
And quickly springing o'er the woodland burn,
Towards his rival swift he fiercely turns.
Jasper's lance shiver'd on Lionel's shield
And almost dashed his rival to the field!
An answering blow from his rival's hand
Sever'd the golden reins of Hilderbrand,
And the weird spell, which bound this sprite-born steed,
By the now broken bridle thus was freed.
In empty air, with wild and frantic bound,
Dissolved the steed, while long rang around
Weird mocking laughter, as Lionel Gray
Bade Jasper yield and end the deadly fray!—
Yet e'er he could reply, the minstrel's son
His benefactor's life had surely won;
Full on Lionel's helm there sudden fell
The battle-axe he'd seized, aim'd true and well!
His scarlet plume shorn from his helmet's crest,