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the fall of lucifer.
O'er the new made ocean threw its trembling gleam.
Still then o'er ocean came thy modest ray,
Bright herald of the fifth succeeding day.
Soft as the gentle breath that wakes to life
The sinless child, e'er dream of care or strife,
Shall clouded by thy black wing'd presence come,
Drifts its deathless soul, from heaven's hallow'd home.
Oh! urge me not, lest in my wrath I fling
Thee and thy rebel host from heaven, and bring
Destruction on thee—Curb thy ambition then;
Turn from My presence, and no more offend!
There is forgiveness e'en for thou, misguided one.
Desist,—for mercy waits, thy plot's undone.
Pride cometh, angel, ere some grievous fall!"
There was a solemn pause—then trembling all
Stood hush'd; and silence deep alone there reign'd
As though untimed eternity again
Ruled with its nameless laws and mystic sway,
Ere broke on man, the vague mysterious day!
Proud Lucifer, with brow as midnight storm,
Defiant still, his bright dilated form—
'Neath his proud feet, the eclipsed sun he press'd,
As he unawed his Sovereign Lord address'd,
All his fellow angels towering o'er
A rebel band, alas! for evermore.