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the fall of lucifer.
As fair and buoyant, till ye sought to cope
With thy great Almighty Master—then thy star
Did set for ever!l—and now too late must bar
Thy path midst endless bliss;—thy doom receive,
Nor o'er thy well earned sorrow dare to grieve."
Thus spake the mighty God, as from His eye,
The forked living light'nings flashing fly,
Bright as the intense glow that ever comes
Athwart the fiery west, lighting the radiant home
Of the down sinking sun, when twilight leaves
In darkening silence gentle dewy eve!
Nor gaze upon the face of Him thy God;
Till as a captive bending 'neath the rod,
Thou, and thy rebel band, in fallen state
Shall meet once more their well earned doom and fate.
Then uprose Michael, and with flaming sword
Stood forth to battle in the guilty war;
All heaven's faithful hosts his noble form surround,
And at his mail'd back behold there bound
The fiery chariots and steeds of heavenly flame!
To proudly battle, and yet not in vain,
For the great Mighty Master who had claimed
The angel host for service, yet who deigned
To fashion man in glorious form divine,
For him alone didst cause to purely shine