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what is man?
Dispersed by them still, as vapour bright,
Like wintr'y sun, when o'er the barren down;
And flame tinted ocean, that seems to frown
In those rough crested waves, which o'er its face
Leap to the shingled shore in 1dle grace.
And when the sinking sun, a weary dip,
His red throne midst deep, the passing ship
Doth seem to sail athwart his ruby breast,
Till ebon-veil'd darkness around her rest!
Thy number'd hairs, and wondrous frame, the care
Of Him, thy Master, every limb doth bear;—
Thy treasured eyes, a ray of Heavenly light,
Lo! at His Word could close in endless night;—
The tropic sand, parch'd waste, the smiling vale,
God's Hand doth bless, the mountain or the dale.
Man's noblest works, in dust or ruin lies;
In his proudest halls the lone owlet cries!
Thou shadow! thy poor mind would fondly clasp
That which unfathomed lies beyond thy grasp.
Pause, presumptuous babbler l—there is between,
Immeasureable gulfs, too vast, I ween,
E'er with thy feeble human brain to span.
Beware, lest, Moses like, thou see'st the land,
Beset by doubts and fears on either hand:
Behold, now lost to ye for evermore,