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the castaways.
But onward sped the gallant "Amphitrite"
As she braved the stormy wind's fiercest spite.—
With closed reef fore, and storm stay sail,
She flew before the wild and angry gale!
The winds changed, from the south it blew,
And each instant in fury the hurricane grew;—
Onward then came a huge mountain wave,
Sweeping five of the seamen to their grave!—
And at the same moment the rushing blast
Carried before it the tall main mast.
"Quick! quick! all hands" cried Captain Grey
"Yon broken main mast at once cut away."
Then a sad cry reached them from down below
As the stout ship began to reel to and fro;
And her timbers started with the shock.
Again there came a ringing shriek,
With the dreadful cry "She has sprung a leak!"
The night has fled, and passed away
But the "Amphitrite" almost a wreck now lay.
By her heavy roll on the oceans' swell,
She soon must sink they knew full well.
The boats were fast lowered o'er her side,
The seamen now with many a sigh,
Prepared with heavy hearts to quit
Their noble and their gallant ship!
Now the long boat is by her side